Rubin Lab


Dr. David T. Rubin Hosts Pearls from the Pros on IBD Management

Dr. Rubin hosted four episodes of MedEd Talks Gastroenterology’s Pearls from the Pros on IBD Management, featuring several colleagues to discuss best practices in using different classes of IBD therapies. Dr. Rubin spoke with Dr. Bruce Sands, Gastroenterologist and Professor of Medicine at Mount Sinai, about best practices in anti-IL-12/23 therapies. With Dr. Millie Long, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Rubin discussed JAK inhibitors and their role in clinical practice. Dr. Stephen Hanauer, Professor of Medicine in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Northwestern University, shared his expertise on Anti-TNF therapy. Finally, Dr. Rubin talked about small-molecule therapies, including S1P receptor modulation and anti-integrin therapies, with Dr. Maria T. Abreu, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Crohn’s and Colitis Center at the University of Miami.

David T. Rubin Accepts the 2020 Sherman Prize

Watch David T. Rubin accept the 2020 Sherman Prize, which is awarded to IBD clinicians, surgeons, researchers and/or academics with extraordinary track records of achievement, making exceptional and pioneering contributions that transform IBD care.

Dr. David T. Rubin Shares Expert Advice on How to Get Your Work Published

Originally presented at the Crohn’s and Colitis Congress with colleagues Fabio Cominelli, MD, PhD, of Case Western Reserve University, and Siddharth Singh, MD, of the University of California San Diego, Rubin highlighted the importance of choosing the most appropriate journal, sending pre-submission inquiries, creating a compelling cover letter and more.

To watch the complete video, click here

Newly Discovered Vascular Barrier in the Brain May Explain IBD-Related Anxiety, Depression

A newly discovered vascular brain barrier that blocks the passage of inflammatory molecules triggered by gut bacteria may be why patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk for certain mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, early research suggests.

Click here to read the full article, and here to read the publication “Identification of a choroid plexus vascular barrier closing during intestinal inflammation” in Science.