Rubin Lab


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Message to Dr. Rubin’s Patients Related to COVID-19 Boosters

Dear Friends and Patients, I hope this message finds you well. Please excuse the group nature of this message, but I did want to reach out with the latest update about COVID-19, and vaccinations. If you want to skip right to the booster info, scroll down to #5 below....

Tweetorial to Provide Updates on COVID-19 for Patients with IBD

View Twitter Thread To watch me deliver the full lecture and view the presentation, click here. I recently gave a lecture about COVID-19 and vaccination with specific information for patients with IBD. This lecture was recorded on July 21st, before the CDC issued...

SARS Vaccine and IBD Tweetorial Summary from December 1

SARS Vaccine and IBD Tweetorial Summary from December 1 David T. Rubin View Twitter Thread Here are my thoughts and a few updates about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, and also about important implications for our IBD patients. Development of multiple SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in the...

Three waves of Illness from the COVID-19 Pandemic

By David T. Rubin, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine I've been thinking about what comes next, and how can we get ahead of this, and propose the following for consideration. I believe that there will be three waves of illness from the...

Runner’s World Features Fitbit Presentation

Philip Sossenheimer presented our work on wearable devices predicting disease activity in patients with IBD at Digestive Diseases Week 2019. Our study was featured in an article by Elizabeth Millard in Runner’s World titled, “Can Your Fitbit Tell You When a Common...

A Cure for Crohn’s: How Close Is It?

Dr. David Rubin discusses advancements in Crohn's disease treatment. "And while there isn’t a cure for Crohn’s yet, we’ve come a long way in how we assess and treat it. Treatment used to involve trying a new medicine or therapy and waiting to see if it made you feel...

U.S. News & World Report features Dr. Rubin in “What’s the Difference Between Colitis and Crohn’s Disease?”

“A distinguishing feature of ulcerative colitis is that it's confined to the large intestine, which encompasses your colon and rectum, says Dr. David Rubin, chief of gastroenterology and a professor of medicine with University of Chicago Medicine....

Tweetorial to Clarify the NYT Article From 15 April and Further Explain/Clarify the UK CLARITY IBD Study

Tweetorial to Clarify the NYT Article From 15 April and Further Explain/Clarify the UK CLARITY IBD Study David T. Rubin View Twitter Thread I've previously commented about the CLARITY IBD Study (Kennedy, et al). paper in this forum, but it bears repeating and further...

Dr. Rubin Moderates “Getting It Right: How to Manage Nutrient Deficiencies in IBD”

Available here by logging on to your Medscape education account, join Dr. Rubin and panelists Dr. Jason Hou, Dr. Raluca Vrabie, and Kelly Issokson discuss management of nutrient deficiencies in IBD patients.

Dr. David T. Rubin Summarizes His Presentation from the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Conference on Preparing for IBD Care in the Next Pandemic

Click here for the full video of Dr. Rubin detailing his 8-point strategy for steps the gastroenterology community should take to prepare for another pandemic in the future to ensure the best outcomes for patients and conditions for professionals.

Dr. Rubin featured on CME Outfitters “COVID-19 + IBD” Episode

The data on COVID-19 is changing rapidly and can be overwhelming. Having been on the frontlines of the pandemic, Dr. David T. Rubin, Dr. Sushila Dalal, and Dr. Miguel Regueiro break down the latest information and best practices for managing patients with IBD and...

Dr. Noa Krugliak Cleveland Discusses Her Award-Winning Research on Decreasing Time to Treatment Change and Remission in IBD Patients

At this year's ACG (American College of Gastroenterology) Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Dr. Noa Krugliak Cleveland gave an oral presentation on her award-winning abstract "Monitoring IBD by Intestinal Ultrasound Decreases Time to Treatment Change...

Message to Dr. Rubin’s Patients Related to COVID-19 Boosters

Dear Friends and Patients, I hope this message finds you well. Please excuse the group nature of this message, but I did want to reach out with the latest update about COVID-19, and vaccinations. If you want to skip right to the booster info, scroll down to #5 below....

Dr. David T. Rubin Presents a Talk on Exit Strategy from Maintenance Therapy in IBD for the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology 2023 Summit

Click here to watch the full video of Dr. Rubin's presentation on exit strategies from maintenance therapy, including discussion of the reasons for why, when, how, and if you should stop IBD therapy with specific focus on biologics, 5-ASA, and azathioprine.